Midlife crisis or the struggle of being you, In daily life and in my classes or therapy room, I see many people experiencing this struggle.
What I see and experience more and more, is that when we are around the age of 45-55, we start wondering: ‘Is this what I really want in life? Does my job/life-parter still match with who I have become? What about the dreams I had when I was young?’ Where did they go and how did I live my life and we realize we have a struggle of being myself and that we lived life hwearing a mask of what was expected from us. And raises the quesiton: how to change that? Can I change that, is it possible, do I have the resources and maybe even am I worth it.
Like to learn more of it and experience in action visit our ReMaster yourself workshop or #NLP or #Hypnotherapy training order ticktes at: https://www.trybooking.com/NMMC
Love to see you in March
Christoffel If you like to know more, mail me or visit www.castorpollux.com.au