Tomorrow, I will probably "shock" some amazing people with the latest research on how people change, learn and excel at the Australian Hypnotherapy Association Annual Symposium.
How our evolutionary biology is keeping us in our comfort zone.
Do you want to test yourself?
What do you use in the picture, the 2 women, and can you see the birds in the picture?
I love to read your comments on what you see.
The clock is ticking, and your happiness, health, wellness and transformation awaits!
I love to hear your comments.
Cheers Christoffel
When you want to know more, you can do the free 3 brains preference test or dive into this, unlock your potential, and follow the 3 Brains Coach Certification Training.
Or read more about how your 3 brains affect every relationship you have!
buy the book? Just click the picture.