In this mindboggling 71st Episode of the 100MasterCoaches Show we dive into how to become the best coach you can be 🧠💖
We talk about a journey to become an MCC coach, and how to differs from all the other Coaching, you see around, and what can clients expect when they hire an MCC coach.
Further more, we talk about what is good Coaching and how do you do a good Coaching?
Also we share our own journeys, how we became a coach and why it is still our passion?
If you really like to know how to become the best coach you can be, just watch this podcast
I love to hear your comments.
Cheers Christoffel
When you want to know more, you can do the free 3 brains preference test or dive into this, unlock your potential, and follow the 3 Brains Coach Certification Training.
The 3 Brains Coach Training
To buy the book? Just click the picture.
I love to hear your comments.
Cheers Christoffel