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Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Research proofs visualization—and is used in Hypnotherapy—activates the same neurons that are activa
Research proofs visualization—and is used in Hypnotherapy—activates the same neurons that are activated when we have the real experiences...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
words of a winner: HEAD, HEART & GUT
"Head, Heat & Gut" these were the three simple yet powerful words Eagles-coach Adam Simpson at the three-quarter time break that inspired...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Jack Ma, Alibaba, IQ, EQ and LQ the head, gut and heart brain
source: world economic forum 2018, Emerging Leadership, using your IQ, your EQ and the LQ, the Q of future succes! As Jack Ma from...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
2018 one year older, again, can we stop ageing?
2018 one year older, again, can we stop ageing? Yes according to nobel price winner Elizabeth Blackburn What makes our bodies age ... our...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20223 min read
Rhythm of breathing affects memory and fear
Source: Northwestern University Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered for the first time that the rhythm of breathing creates...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20229 min read
95% chance we have a "frog brain" when it concerns change.
Research shows we only change when there is a real urgent need. The need can be avoiding pain and/or seeking pleasure. When I read...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Understand your issue before we talk about solving it
Research says that 90-95% of our issues are connected with stress. Even when we have a physical issue, from a sore back to a skin rash to...
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