Our Blog stay updated about 3 Brains Coaching, Executive Coaching, NLP and Leadership
Join my ICF AustalAsia webinar! The 3 Brains Connection - the missing link for long lasting change
Join my webinar! The Three Brains Connection - the missing link for long lasting coaching results!
ICF Long Island: Unlocking insights into (Head, Heart and Gut) Brain coaching
ICF Ireland The 3 (5) Brains Connection: The missing link for long-lasting coaching results!
Was just thinking 🤔 according to the behavioral theory in 3 -6 weeks a new habit is installed
3 Brains Coach Certification training now also certified by the NOBCO
How can you create a heart connection with everyone you meet in this virtual or real world ?
Join the 3 Brains Coaching Presentation at ICF Spain Global Development days
Research proves the Gut (Selfishness) wins over the Heart (Compassion)
The Three Brains interview with Brad Solomon CTG
How is your decision making and communication style? From your Heart, Gut, or Head Brain?
Would you like to know what your 3 Brains (Head, Heart, Gut) preference is?
The art of long lasting change
Make the difference for your clients Master the art of 3 Brains Language & Relationships Coaching
We are social animals with a drive to survive and having healthy connections are essential
The path to flourish your personal and/or business relationships
A mum shares how the 3 Brains helps her being a better parent
Where logic and feelings stop and magic continues
YES ICF CCE certified !!!!
Decisions and life is better with our three brains
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